Library Databases
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6 Online Resources Found
Also known as: Ulrich's Periodical Directory
Ulrichsweb is an authoritative database covering journals, magazines, newspapers and other periodicals from around the world. Search and browse unbiased, in-depth bibliographic information for more than 300,000 serials, including: academic and scholarly journals, peer-reviewed titles, online publications, newspapers and other serial resources. more
Evidence based clinical decision support from Wolters Kluwer is trusted at the point of care by clinicians worldwide . This resource is for use by graduate-level nursing students ONLY. For access and registration, contact Janice Ceccucci
US History Collection
Also known as: U.S. History Collection
Covers events in US history & scholarship on US history, useful to both the novice students and academic researchers
Utica Observer-Dispatch Archive
Also known as: Newsbank Utica Observer-Dispatch
January 2019 and will build out daily. 90 Day embargo.
Utica University Theses & Capstones
Also known as: Dissertations at Utica University
Log in required for access to PDF's of all recent capstone projhects and master's these at Utica College